Date |
Presenter |
Title |
02.01 |
楊雅筑 |
HearFire: Indoor Fire Detection via Inaudible Acoustic Sensing |
02.08 |
張馨予 |
OESense: Employing Occlusion Effect for In-ear Human Sensing |
02.08 |
陳士茵 |
ReflecTouch: Detecting Grasp Posture of Smartphone Using Corneal Reflection Images |
02.15 |
楊于琪 |
SonarID: Using Sonar to Identify Fingers on a Smartwatch |
02.22 |
楊雅筑 |
Detecting Cataract Using Smartphones |
02.22 |
張靖暄 |
SoccerTrack: A Dataset and Tracking Algorithm for Soccer with Fish-eye and Drone Videos |
03.01 |
張馨予 |
G2Auth: Secure Mutual Authentication for Drone Delivery Without Special User-Side Hardware |
03.01 |
蕭鈞元 |
Energy Consumption Optimization under Multi-link Target Wake Time scheme in WLANs |
03.08 |
楊舒晴 |
LoRaWAN Adaptive Data Rate With Flexible Link Margin |
03.08 |
李佺修 |
A New Deep Anomaly Detection-Based Method for User Authentication Using Multichannel Surface EMG Signals of Hand Gestures |
03.15 |
陳士茵 |
DRG-Keyboard: Enabling Subtle Gesture Typing on the Fingertip with Dual IMU Rings |
03.15 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Mask does not matter: anti-spoofing face authentication using mmWave without on-site registration |
03.22 |
楊于琪 |
EchoHand: High Accuracy and Presentation Attack Resistant Hand Authentication on Commodity Mobile Devices |
03.29 |
楊雅筑 |
On The Feasibility of Estimating Soluble Sugar Content Using Millimeter-wave |
03.29 |
張靖暄 |
Understanding Drone Landing on the Human Body |
04.12 |
蕭鈞元 |
Device Identification in the Presence of MAC Randomization |
04.12 |
張馨予 |
Avoiding Stress Driving: Online Trip Recommendation from Driving Behavior Prediction |
04.19 |
楊舒晴 |
Study of Multi-Link Channel Access Without Simultaneous Transmit and Receive in IEEE 802.11be Networks |
04.26 |
陳士茵 |
HotFoot: Foot-Based User Identification Using Thermal Imaging |
05.03 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Lumos: towards Better Video Streaming QoE through Accurate Throughput Prediction |
05.10 |
張靖暄 |
Unsupervised Human Detection with an Embedded Vision System on a Fully Autonomous UAV for Search and Rescue Operations |
05.17 |
張馨予 |
Next-item Recommendations in Short Sessions |
05.24 |
楊舒晴 |
Adaptive Multi-Connectivity Scheduling for Reliable Low-Latency Communication in 802.11be |
05.31 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Adaptive Bitrate with User-level QoE Preference for Video Streaming |
06.07 |
張靖暄 |
At First Light: Expressive Lights in Support of Drone-Initiated Communication |
06.14 |
楊舒晴 |
Addressing Reliability Needs of Industrial Applications in 5G NR with Network Coding |
07.19 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Cloud Control to Optimize Real-Time Video Transmission in Dense IEEE 802.11aa/ax Networks |
08.09 |
楊舒晴 |
A Differentiated Reservation MAC Protocol for Achieving Fairness and Efficiency in Multi-Rate IEEE 802.11 WLANs |
08.16 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Optimal MRUs Allocation Mechanism Based on User Priority for Wi-Fi 7 Network |
09.06 |
林鈺修 |
Dont_Miss_Weak_Packets_Boosting_LoRa_Reception_with_Antenna_Diversities |
09.13 |
巫信緯 |
WiRa: Enabling Cross-Technology Communication from WiFi to LoRa with IEEE 802.11a |
09.20 |
楊舒晴 |
Improving Performance by a Dynamic Adaptive Success-Collision Backoff Algorithm for Contention-Based Vehicular Network |
09.20 |
蔡秉融 |
HearFit: Fitness Monitoring on Smart Speakers via Active Acoustic Sensing |
09.27 |
金岱嬅 |
Thwarting Unauthorized Voice Eavesdropping via Touch Sensing in Mobile Systems |
09.27 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Rebuffering but not Suffering: Exploring Continuous-Time Quantitative QoE by User’s Exiting Behaviors |
10.04 |
林鈺修 |
mmPhone: Acoustic Eavesdropping on Loudspeakers via mmWave-characterized Piezoelectric Effect |
10.04 |
張馨予 |
JoMP: a mobile music player agent for joggers based on user interest and pace |
10.11 |
巫信緯 |
Sound of Motion: Real-time Wrist Tracking with A Smart Watch-Phone Pair |
10.11 |
張靖暄 |
A multi-UAV fast search path planning algorithm research |
10.18 |
蔡秉融 |
I Can Hear You Without a Microphone: Live Speech Eavesdropping From Earphone Motion Sensors |
10.18 |
楊舒晴 |
Cognitive backoff mechanism for IEEE802.11ax high-efficiency WLANs |
10.25 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Proportional-based Resource Allocation Control with QoS Adaptation for IEEE 802.11ax |
10.25 |
金岱嬅 |
TanGo: A Cost Optimization Framework for Tenant Task Placement in Geo-distributed Clouds |
11.01 |
林鈺修 |
Extracting_Spatial_Information_of_IoT_Device_Events_for_Smart_Home_Safety_Monitoring |
11.01 |
張靖暄 |
Improved JPS Algorithm Using New Jump Point for Path Planning of Mobile Robot |
11.08 |
巫信緯 |
TomoID: A Scalable Approach to Device Free Indoor Localization via RFID Tomography |
11.15 |
蔡秉融 |
WiSwarm: Age-of-Information-based Wireless Networking for Collaborative Teams of UAVs |
11.15 |
楊舒晴 |
Design and Analysis of Weighted Frequency-Domain Contention in Wireless LANs |
11.22 |
金岱嬅 |
OmniSense: Towards Edge-Assisted Online Analytics for 360-Degree Videos |
11.22 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Reinforcement Learning based Downlink OFDMA Scheduling for Time-Sensitive WiFi Networks |
11.29 |
林鈺修 |
VoShield: Voice LivenVoShield: Voice Liveness Detection withSound Field Dynamicness Detection with Sound Field Dynamics |
11.29 |
張靖暄 |
Research on UAV path planning based on improved particle swarm algorithm with inertia weight |
12.06 |
巫信緯 |
One Shot for All: Quick and Accurate Data Aggregation for LPWANs |
12.13 |
蔡秉融 |
Secur-Fi: A Secure Wireless Sensing System Based on Commercial Wi-Fi Devices |
12.20 |
陳嘉瑋 |
Adaptive Uplink OFDMA Random Access Grouping Scheme for Ultra-Dense Networks in IEEE 802.11ax |
12.27 |
張靖暄 |
Refilling Water Bottles in Elderly Care Homes With the Help of a Safe Service Robot |